15.817.05.04F. Vegetal products dehidration processes efficiency augmentation using nontraditional methods of energy imput / Sporirea eficacității proceselor de deshidratare a produselor vegetale cu utilizarea metodelor netradiționale ale aportului de energie

Project title
15.817.05.04F. Vegetal products dehidration processes efficiency augmentation using nontraditional methods of energy imput / Sporirea eficacității proceselor de deshidratare a produselor vegetale cu utilizarea metodelor netradiționale ale aportului de energie
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Expected Completion
Drying process of vegetal products is a very popular and efficient conservation method widely used in R. of Moldova. Despite the amount of researches and improvements made in this domain, yet this process remains one of the most energy intensive in food industry. Due to the fact, that most drying processes are based on continuous heat treatment and within an unfavorable environment (high temperatures and elevated humidity), all these conducts in multiple cases to a diminution of final product quality. In this context elaborating new methods of dehydration will permit partially to solve the mentioned problems. The specific particularities of drying process require performing deep researches in the following directions: - transfer phenomena study of vegetal products drying process in electromagnetic fields under elaboration aspect of: optimal correlations between drying process’ main parameters, electromagnetic field and environment’s characteristics accompanied with mathematical modeling; investigation methods of modified environment; optimal vegetal products preliminary processing regimes by electroplasmolysis; experimental research methods and data processing; - elaboration of modified environment (CO2) vegetal products drying process in order to reduce oxidation effects (determination of optimal CO2 environment concentration, of hydrothermal re¬gi¬me parameters according to environment CO2 concentration, electromagnetic field parameters); - elaboration of preliminary process (determination of optimal electric field intensity and voltage as function of humidity and product’s geometric dimensions, vegetal products electromagnetic field drying process, final product quality influence of electroplasmolysis processing and drying parameters); The project will be based on researching experience in dehydration process domain gathered in 20 years and the creative and scientific potential of our authorship. This fact will permit to continue scientific researches in all the directions of fundamental unsolved problems to be valorized on large scale in dehydration processes of vegetal products. Expected scientific researches results will be expressed in new vegetal products dehydration processes for industrial conditions as well as new processing technological schemes, which will contain patentable elements