15.817.02.33A. Research to ensure safety and multi functionality of food packaging to improve food security in the European economic context / Cercetări privind asigurarea inofensivității și multifuncționalității ambalajelor alimentare în vederea sporirii securității și siguranței alimentare viabile în contextul economic European

Project title
15.817.02.33A. Research to ensure safety and multi functionality of food packaging to improve food security in the European economic context / Cercetări privind asigurarea inofensivității și multifuncționalității ambalajelor alimentare în vederea sporirii securității și siguranței alimentare viabile în contextul economic European
Project Coordinator
Participant Organization(s)
Start date
Expected Completion
The objectives of the project are to study the properties of food packaging on the market in the context of ensuring their safety and versatility, and to analyze packaging compliance with European and international requirements imposed starting from the premise of European integration, their discrepancies’ impact on consumers' health and to elaborate solutions to ensure structural, morphological compatibility of packaging with food and ecological harmlessness, multifunctionality of packaging. Verification of compliance packaging properties will be carried out through investigations: sensorial (taste, smell, appearance, form), physical (density, temperature, sealing), physico-chemical (refractometry and colorimetry, migration of printing inks in food), biological and biochemical (presence of pathogens), microbiological. The assessment will involve modern, efficient laboratory tools. Investigations carried out will have scientific and socio-economic impact manifested by contributions in assessment and analysis of compliance of packaging quality, useful by taking them by business units from the country and by the users, analysis their compatibility with food at direct and indirect contact, view on discrepancies’ influence on consumers' health, involvement in the study of current social and economic problems of the country, making recommendations on optimization of processes which will attract to this area internal and external financial investments and last but not least will contribute to the preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel. The research team has collaborative relationships with many collective of researchers from home and abroad. Credibility of project implementation is ensured by the high scientific potential of the research team and aspirations to contribute improving quality of life.