15.817.02.23F. Mathematical modeling of behavior of construction materials: from structure to properties / Modelarea matematică a comportării materialelor de construcţie: de la structură la macroproprietăţi

Project title
15.817.02.23F. Mathematical modeling of behavior of construction materials: from structure to properties / Modelarea matematică a comportării materialelor de construcţie: de la structură la macroproprietăţi
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In practic of all days the engineer has a problem of change the material, form and dimensions of some bodies in permanence. Thus, that these didn’t touch the stadium of giving up or modify excessive of initial geometry. It present the safely in the report with threshold of appear of this phenomena in course of exploitation, and in such time is satisfied this conditions in economic mode. The science and technology progress in different part of technical branch is determined of level of cognition of material behavior in function of history of exterior action. The enormous amount of energy necessary for material production and pollution of environment ambient is placed the problem of capitalization and rational using of materials among the base problem of Moldova republic. The rational selection of material, form and dimensions of some element of construction may be effect only in mathematical model which is reflection in objective mode the phenomena evolution which is produce in material structure submissively of exterior action of some termomecanical and chemical. In XX century was performed a numerous numerical and theoretical researches about elaborate of thus model, but convincible solutions didn’t was obtained. In base of this inssucces maibe is a gulf from science of materials and thermomecanical of deformable solids. In science of materials the discutions about length of life of materials in function of exterior action history is a lingvistic level. But in mecanical of deformable solid is a abstract of real structure of materials and her evolution. In proiect are propose the steps against unification of those two domain of science, in problem of durability of materilas using in diverse domeins of technical. For unification of different domeints of science is necessary the principles and laws supplements using wich the fenomens and processes, what was considerated diferent, are describe sub a unitar form.