15.817.03.01A. Towards an energy autonomy of the Republic of Moldova / Către o autonomie energetică a Republicii Moldova

Project title
15.817.03.01A. Towards an energy autonomy of the Republic of Moldova / Către o autonomie energetică a Republicii Moldova
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Expected Completion
Overall objective: Creation of a scientific, information and technological support for the progressive achievement of energy autonomy in the Republic of Moldova by promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (RES). Relevance: According to official statistics, the country energy resources in 2011 accounted for 2440 ktoe, of which 2140 ktoe were imported. In other words, the own resources (energy autonomy) are 12.3%, of which 11.8 % from renewable sources. The state energy policy proposes by 2020: reduction of primary energy consumption by 20% via implementation of energy efficiency measures, achieving a share of at least 20% from RES in gross final energy consumption. At the same time, the specific energy consumption in the country exceeds the European level 3 times. Electrical engines driving the machinery and technological processes consume up to 50-60% of total electricity and represent a huge potential for energy efficiency. In this context, studies and research are needed in order to achieve more actions stipulated in: • National Action Plan on Renewable Energy for the years 2013-2020 (PNAER). • National Program for Energy Efficiency 2011-2020 (PNEE). Methods: statistical methods for data analysing and processing about the wind; wind atlas method for assessing the wind potential; geospatial technologies and tools for maps generating; intellectual methods of forecasting and control; field models of electromechanical converters; virtual simulation of working machines and processes driving systems; calculation methods of power systems permanent operating regimes; technical and economic methods for proposed solutions evaluation. Expected Results: The methodology of RES potential assessment (wind, solar and biomass) for administrative-territorial units of the second level (district); RES potential of three selected districts from the areas of regional development: North, Centre and South; The main recommended technologies for the rational use of RES potential; Advanced structures of working machines and technological processes drives with low power consumption; Electromechanical converters with minimum loses of energy; Pre-feasibility study for a renewable electricity and heat production project; The curriculum of the training course for local authorities, regional development agencies and energy managers.


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