Project Statistics: 15.817.02.21F. Research and implementation of a sustainable e-learning sуstem / Cercetarea şi implementarea unui sistem durabil de e-learning

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 8845
Total 8845
Country #
MD - Moldova 8845
Total 8845
City #
Chisinau 8845
Total 8845

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2020 30 4110 0000 10 10
2021 126 1109710 20025 00 1153
2022 01 1102 2012 02 12
2023 00 3742932 7221 1221241 1882
2024 00 29155286 1968994244446 00 5787
Ever 8845