Project Statistics: 15.817.02.31A. Elaboration of obtaining technologies and of equipment of fabrication of the nanofiber in isolation and of the microcable with many fibers from conductive, resistive and ferromagnetic materials / Elaborarea tehnologiilor de obţinere şi a utilajului de fabricare a nanofirului în izolaţie şi a microcablului multifir din materiale conductoare, rezistive şi feromagnetice

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EU - Europe 56
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MD - Moldova 56
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Chisinau 56
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2020 20 2000 0000 01 5
2021 10 0000 2000 70 10
2022 01 1001 1002 03 9
2023 00 2200 1110 00 7
2024 00 2216 2480 00 25
Ever 56