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Title: Patrimoniul național promovat în proiectele de design interior ale absolvenițlor utm din 2021
Other Titles: The national patrimony promoted in the interior design projects of the utm graduates from 2021
Национальное достояние продвигается в проектах дизайна интерьеров выпускников UTM 2021 года.
Authors: PLATON, Liliana 
Keywords: Restoration;Renovation;style;aesthetics;interior design;national heritage;space
Issue Date: 2022
Source: PLATON, Liliana. Patrimoniul național promovat în proiectele de design interior ale absolvenițlor utm din 2021. In: Abordări moderne privind drepturile patrimoniale. 12-13 mai 2022, Chisinau. Chişinău: MS Logo, 2022, pp. 359-364. ISBN 978-9975-3541-0-3.
Conference: Abordări moderne privind drepturile patrimoniale 2022
This article presents the result of a scientific analysis of the interior design projects of TUM graduates in 2021. In the thematic context of undergraduate projects, the Interior Design curriculum promotes the choice of strategic objectives of notorious importance in the country's national heritage. Among them, the interior design renovation projects in the National Theater „M. Eminescu ”, Exhibition Center „C. Brâncuși ”and the Chisinau Circus. In this context, the interior design assumes major renovation responsibilities taking into account the observance of the stylistic elements according to the historical data, aiming primarily at preserving and capitalizing on the national cultural heritage. At the same time, interior design projects involve modern solutions in technical, engineering and security procedures, so as to ensure the interior conditions of optimal operation without diminishing the aesthetic values of the past. The success of the renovation and modernization of the buildings is largely due to the complex approach of the interior design projects.
ISBN: 978-9975-3541-0-3
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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