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Title: Aplicarea garanțiilor judiciare pentru evitarea restrângerii exercițiului unor drepturi și libertăți fundamentale ale omului
Other Titles: Application of judicial safeguards to avoid restricting the exercise of fundamental human rights and freedoms
Применение судебных гарантий во избежание ограничения осуществления основных прав и свобод человека
Authors: COJOCARIU, Beatrice Narcisa 
LUPAȘCU, Zinaida 
MOROZAN, Nicoleta 
Keywords: presumption of innocence;inviolability of the domicile;restriction of the exercise of certain freedoms;the right to defense;the right to petition
Issue Date: 2022
Source: COJOCARIU, Beatrice Narcisa; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida; MOROZAN, Nicoleta; ZAGORNEANU, Artur. Aplicarea garanțiilor judiciare pentru evitarea restrângerii exercițiului unor drepturi și libertăți fundamentale ale omului. In: Abordări moderne privind drepturile patrimoniale. 12-13 mai 2022, Chisinau. Chişinău: MS Logo, 2022, pp. 302-313. ISBN 978-9975-3541-0-3.
Conference: Abordări moderne privind drepturile patrimoniale 2022
Access to justice is an indispensable condition in the promotion and guarantee of rights and freedoms. It consists in incorporating into the positive law of each country, first of all, a regulation of human interests, maximum justice that the population of that country can admit. In order to concretize and give fullness to the right of free access to justice, the legislator establishes many other constitutional provisions and develops them, concretizes them in detail in the organic laws. Taken as a whole, they become the basis and basic criterion for the qualification of the rule of law. These provisions have the value of principle for the entire legal system, they being, in fact, the basis of any legislative approach. At the same time, some of them are directly and more closely related to the exercise of the right of free access to justice.
ISBN: 978-9975-3541-0-3
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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