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Title: Steady-state dynamics of a quantum oscillator coupled with a three-level emitter
Authors: MIRZAC, Alexandra 
Keywords: quantum;dynamics;A - type system
Issue Date: 2019
Source: MÎRZAC, A. Steady-state dynamics of a quantum oscillator coupled with a three-level emitter. Conferința Tehnico-Științifică a studenților, masteranzilor și doctoranzilor, 26-29 martie 2019, UTM, Chisinau, Moldova. Culegerea de materiale: vol.1, pag. 378, ISBN 978-9975-45-587-9,
Project: 19.80012.02.01F. Investigarea proprietăților termoelectrice și optice ale materialelor nanostructurate și sistemelor moleculare 
Conference: Conferința Tehnico-Științifică a studenților, masteranzilor și doctoranzilor
A laser-pumped three-level Λ−type system the upper state of which is being coupled with a quantum oscillator characterized by a single quantized leaking mode has been investigated. Two distinct situations leading to cooling or lasing effects of the quantum oscillator’s degrees of freedom have been identified and the mechanisms behind them have been described. Particularly, the interplay between single- or two-quanta processes accompanied by quantum interference effects among the induced emitter’s dressed-states responsible for flexible lasing or deeper cooling effects has been proved, respectively
Appears in Collections:Conference Abstracts

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