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Title: Determinants of consumer behaviour related to sugar substitutes intake in the Republic of Moldova
Other Titles: Determinanți ai comportamentului consumătorilor în vederea utilizării înlocuitorilor de zahăr în Republica Moldova
Authors: RADU Oxana 
STURZA, Rodica 
Keywords: natural and synthetic sweeteners;nutritional risks;sweet taste receptors;non-caloric products
Issue Date: 2022
Source: RADU, Oxana, CAPCANARI, Tatiana, CHIRSANOVA, Aurica, STURZA, Rodica. (2022). "Determinants of consumer behaviour related to sugar substitutes intake in the Republic of Moldova." In: Perspectivele și Problemele Integrării în Spațiul European al Cercetării și Educației, Ed. Partea 1, 3 iunie 2022, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Tipografia "Centrografic" SRL, Vol.9, Partea 1, pp. 314-320.
Project: 20.80009.5107.09 Improving of food quality and safety through biotechnology and food engineering 
Conference: Perspectivele și Problemele Integrării în Spațiul European al Cercetării și Educației
The problem of the increased number of diseases associated with the excessive consumption of kilocalories served as the basis for the expansion of the assortment of food products obtained with the addition of non-caloric sweeteners within the national market. Producers, in search of profit, but also based on technological aspects, mainly offer to the population of the Republic of Moldova products with the addition of synthetic sweeteners (E 950, E 951, E 952, E 954, E 955). Their use provokes a number of diseases, as well as due to chemicals that are additionally applied to mask the sensory deficiencies of some sweeteners. As one of the necessary measures to improve life quality and ensure the health of the local population, it is recommended to inform the citizens about the risks associated with the use of sweeteners through information programs, as well as through the appropriate food labeling.
Appears in Collections:Proceedings Papers

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